….these Elections are a vital opportunity to achieve labor representation by electing voting delegates to the California Democratic Party. The Napa-Solano Central Labor Council has endorsed slates in Assembly Districts 4 and 11 (see below and attached). These slates are majority union members and are representative of the different wings of labor, from service sector to building trades, and from teachers to private sector workers. Several leaders of our own Labor Council leaders, including President G Anthony Phillips and Danny Bernardini, Head of the Napa-Solano Building Trades Council, are running!
***We ask all affiliates to distribute the information about these slates to your rank-and-file members and encourage them to register and vote in these elections this weekend and in support of these slates,.*** Any member who is a registered Democrat is eligible, and members can also register to vote or re-register as Democrats in order to participate in these Elections. At this time, any members who register must vote in person – see all the links to register and the ADEMs Election voting locations below. Ballots will not include candidates’ names- instead, voters will bubble in the number that corresponds with the candidates. Attached and below are the final copies of our ADEMs Slate Cards with those numbers.
ADEMs In-Person Voter Registration – https://ademelections.com/register/person
ADEMs Voting Locations/Dates/Times – https://www.adem.cadem.org/where-to-vote
AD-4 Voting Locations/Times/Dates
Saturday 1/21/22, 2:15 PM – 5:30 PM
Napa County Library, 580 Coombs St, Napa, CA 94559
Saturday 1/21/22, 10 AM – 2 PM
Veterans Memorial Center, 203 E 14th St, Davis, CA 95616
AD-11 Voting Locations/Times/Dates
Sunday 1/22/22, 10 AM – 2 PM
CTA Fairfield Office, 4751 Central Way, Fairfield, CA 94534