NSCLC newsletter – endorsements
Category: Uncategorized
Aug 25
FEMA Assistance Available — Apply Now
On Saturday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the White House approved California’s request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to bolster the state’s emergency response to wildfires burning in Northern California and support impacted residents in Lake, Monterey, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, and Yolo Counties. This declaration helps people in those counties …
Aug 20
Message from Senator Bill Dodd about Wildfire Safety and Resources
Over the last three days California has experienced a historic heat wave and lightning siege that has resulted in more than 300 new fires. In our district alone, we are currently responding to the continued threat of the LNU Lightning Complex Fire that has already burned more than 131,000 acres. Given the speed of these developments, …
Aug 19
From our friends in UFW
Thank you for telling the Department of Labor not to cut farm worker wages during COVID19. We have a new petition we need you to sign @https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/primex-workers-fired-for-exposing-company-s-deadly-covid-19-practices?share=87d94109-eb19-4829-b0ab-1b4c1178c4cd&source=email-share-button&utm_medium=&utm_source=email.There is a COVID19 crisis for farm workers at Primex Farms, a major nut company in Wasco CA. The situation is dire. 150 of the 400 workers have now …
Aug 16
Action alert – from our President, G Anthony Phillips
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We encourage you to to ask our Senators to support both the RESTART ACT and the SAVE OUR STAGES ACT. COPY + PASTE the letter below. Feel free to change and personalize the letter however you wish. In Solidarity, The Officers and Staff of Local 16 ————————————————————————————— Email Senator Dianne Feinstein …