Category: Uncategorized

Census 2020

In the face of our current COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more imperative to complete the 2020 census. Completing the census is crucial because it provides the necessary data to better plan for emergency responses. Census information collected for example is used to determine where new hospitals should be built and what additional services are …

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Here are your daily facts, news, and information on COVID-19

Here are your daily facts, news, and information on COVID-19, compiled by the Senate Democratic Caucus. Cal OES Update: April 7, 2020 – pdf Key messages – link Governor Updates: Today at Noon: Governor Gavin Newsom will provide an update on the state’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The update will be streamed at the @CAgovernor Twitter page and California …

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The Solano First 5 Children and Families Commission under the direction of the Solano County Emergency Operations Center is partnering with the Solano County Office of Education and several other community partners to provide Emergency Pop-Up Childcare! 

The Solano County Emergency Pop-Up Childcare Program is currently open and supporting healthcare workers and first responders working in Vallejo. Other disaster services workers and essential workers in need of emergency childcare may also be approved dependent on availability. This program is not open to the general public. Drop-in childcare is not being offered. At this time, …

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Update from our Executive Director, Jon Riley, about the COVID-19 virus!

Siblings, every Affiliate and Community Group in Napa and Solano Counties have different issues and needs that are important to our constituents. Trying to maneuver through Essential and Non-Essential employees and what that means to each individual worker and what roles that they can play is a daunting task for Labor and Management alike. Our …

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Please sign this petition about Sinclair Broadcasting Group

In a time of a global health crisis the multi-billion-dollar company Sinclair Broadcasting Group is giving its freelance technicians the cold shoulder. Rather than offering a relief package of substance to sports broadcast techs who have lost 100% of their income, Sinclair has decided to offer $2,500 interest free loans with payback terms that would …

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Governor Newsom Takes Executive Action to Establish a Statewide Moratorium on Evictions

The order is effective immediately and will apply through May 31, 2020 Builds on the Governor’s previous executive action authorizing local governments to halt evictions SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today issued an executive order banning the enforcement of eviction orders for renters affected by COVID-19 through May 31, 2020. The order prohibits landlords from …

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Many Companies Are Offering Free Services And/Or Waiving Fees Due to the quarantine – here’s a list – please share widely!

Phone and Internet: Free Access to Spectrum Broadband and Wi-Fi Internet Free For 60 Days for households with students Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To …

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Labor Secretary Issues Directive to Streamline the Processing of Unemployment Insurance (UI) Payments

Sacramento, CA—California Labor Secretary Julie A. Su sent a memorandum to Employment Development Department Director Sharon Hilliard authorizing the department to take additional steps to streamline the approval process for an unprecedented surge in unemployment insurance (UI) benefit claims and issue payments as quickly as possible.  “The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of workers …

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Update from our Executive Director, Jon Riley, about the COVID-19 virus!

Siblings, as we all adjust to these extraordinary times it is important to ensure that factual information is available to everyone impacted, which is every one of us. We receive numerous calls every day with questions surrounding the ever changing protocols to stave off the COVID -19 virus, and what they actually mean. With every State, …

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Letter from our Executive Director, Jon Riley

Sibs, we had our first Napa Solano CLC  Zoom Delegates meeting Wednesday Evening and had a decent turnout considering it was our first attempt at what will soon become the “new normal” as we deal with the extraordinary impacts of the COVID -19. The Governor issued stay at home orders Statewide to attempt to isolate the …

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