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Category: Uncategorized
Apr 12
Request for Support – AB 650 (Muratsuchi), the Health Care Worker Recognition and Retention Act
Healthcare workers have experienced dangerous working conditions and mental health trauma while California faces a future shortage of healthcare workers. AB 650 requires healthcare employers with more than 100 employees to pay bonuses to all non-executive employees who work during the pandemic. Our Siblings at UHW are asking for our help and the link below …
Apr 12
Wildfires & Being Firewise – Join us on Monday, April 19, 5:30pm
Democrats of Napa Valley Monthly Meeting (via Zoom) Advanced registration required here. Over the past few years in Napa County, we have seen several of the largest fires in California’s recorded history, consuming hundreds of thousands of acres, thousands of buildings, devastating our economy, impacting our health from the smoky air, and more. And, the fires …
Mar 21
Napa council to explore ‘hero pay’ ordinance for essential workers in city during pandemic
From the Napa Valley Register As the Napa City Council settles on its top priorities for the year, the coronavirus pandemic may bring one such issue to the fore. During a lengthy meeting Tuesday night to discuss Napa’s primary goals for 2021, council members expressed their support for a city “hero pay” ordinance boosting wages …
Mar 18
Siblings, last night was a great night for working men and women in Napa!
The City Council in American Canyon passed a Hero/Hazard Pay Ordinance with a unanimous vote. The ordinance will give frontline essential workers in the grocery industry a $5 an hour raise for 120 days beginning in 10 days. It will affect the Safeway and Wal-Mart stores in American Canyon. Mayor Leon Garcia and Councilmembers Aboudamous, …
Mar 09
Our latest newsletter!
Siblings, we hope you are all doing well and looking forward to getting back to a semblance of normality. We have been busy working with various affiliates and elected officials to ensure that our Siblings are safe in their workplace, that eligible essential workers are being considered for vaccines and that in the case of …