CNA Sympathy Strike with Local 39

Kaiser recently settled contract negotiations with multiple other unions in Southern California, Oregon, and Hawaii. Kaiser has sent confusing emails to CNA members stating that the strike is over.Local 39 Engineers have not reached a settlement on their contract. As of today, the engineers have been on strike at Kaiser Permanente for 57 days. This is unacceptable. The CNA sympathy strike with Local 39 is still scheduled for November 19th. If there are any changes regarding Local 39’s contract fight, or CNA’s sympathy strike, look for confirmation directly from CNA. The hotline number will also be updated if there are any changes: 510-726-8646.

The 24-hour sympathy strike will take place Friday, November 19th, 2021, beginning at 7AM. Nurses will return to work 7:00am Saturday, November 20th, 2021 or your next scheduled shift thereafter. There is no need to give notice or call in your intent to sympathy strike on Friday November 19th. CNA’s issuance of a sympathy strike notice is notification to Kaiser that you have the right to not be at work on the day of the 11/19 sympathy strike.

Our sympathy strike manual is available here:

Click here to sign up for the picket line!


Q: Other unions are striking on November 18th. Should I strike for both days?

A: CNA has given notice for a sympathy strike notice for Friday, November 19th at 7am for 24 hours. All nurses should sympathy strike with Local 39 on Friday, November 19th.

Q: If an RN is on vacation when a strike begins, or is scheduled for vacation during the strike, what happens to vacation time and pay?

A: If the nurse is already on vacation, s/he is okay; if the nurse is scheduled to go on vacation during the strike, the Hospital may attempt to cancel your vacation. They are not allowed to do this.

Q: What happens to leave status (personal, maternity) if on leave during a strike (does time accrue, seniority accrue)?

A: Nurses on medical leaves will probably not be considered to be “on strike.” Leave time and seniority will not accrue unless negotiated.

Q: Should a newly hired nurse or new graduate nurse come to work or honor the picket line?

A: Federal labor law protects all concerted activity, including sympathy strikes. New hires and new grads should honor the picket line. NO RN should cross the picket line as a strikebreaker under any circumstances.

Q: Can Management discipline or fire me for striking?

A: No, Management cannot discipline or fire you for sympathy striking. Federal labor law protects all concerted activity including sympathy strikes. All RNs should honor the picket line. No RNs should cross the picket line as a strikebreaker under any circumstances.

Q: I’m working the night before the strike. What should I do when the strike begins? What if my shift starts before the strike time?

A: It is the Medical Center’s responsibility to provide someone to report off to. We have given them sufficient notice to make arrangements for a strike. If no one replaces you, report off to a manager. If your shift starts before the strike start time, show up to work and then report off to a manager at strike time.

Q: My shift would normally end at 7:30am on Saturday morning. Do I need to come into work from 7:00am to 7:30 on Saturday, November 20th?

A: Yes. Unless management sends written confirmation otherwise, you must complete the remainder of your shift from 7am until the end of your shift on Saturday, November 20th.

Q: I am concerned about my patients’ safety. How do I know the Medical Center will adequately take care of the patients?

A: We give a ten-day notice to the Medical Center so that they will divert patients, stop admitting patients, and otherwise take responsibility. In addition, we will organize a Patient Protection Task Force from nurses on the picket line. At the discretion of the Task Force, picketing nurses will give emergency care after the strike begins. The task force will make a professional assessment of each situation and will, if it deems necessary, assign a nurse to the patients.

Q: What happens if the primary strike settles?

A: You need to report for work if you are scheduled to work. This hotline number will be updated with the most up to date information prior to the sympathy strike: 510-726-8646.


Suisun City Veterans Day Celebration 2021

PETITION: Support film and TV crews



UPDATE – Siblings, I wanted to give you some important information and clarification for tomorrow’s rally and march in support of our Sibs at UFW. First of all, this is not a protest against the French Laundry! Sometimes you have to take advantage of a moment in time to make changes for a lifetime, and the spotlight of the Governors moment is perhaps the only way our Siblings can get an audience. And the owner realizes this is not an attack on his business or why would he have brought the picketing workers his famous cookies?
The organizers of the rally and march have been working with the Sheriff and Mayor to ensure that everyone participating in the event will be as safe as possible and the community impacts kept to a minimum. So they have decided to move up the time to
1 pm to accommodate a walk in support of Alzheimer’s that will be using the same route which will allow those supporters to be as safe as possible. They are asking that participants of the rally arrive as close to 1 pm as possible to avoid confusion.
Organizers and the Sheriff would like to encourage everyone to park at the Church a block away from the rally and has graciously agreed to allow us to use their parking lot to accommodate our members and lessen the impact to local residence and business.
Parking at Yountville Seventh Day Adventist Church
19210 Finnell Rd
Yountville Ca.
Be safe and have a wonderful weekend. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Siblings, as if you need a reason to visit the beautiful Napa Valley, we have a critical one for visiting the French Laundry in Yountville this Saturday at noon. Our Siblings at the United Farm Workers are marching to the Laundry in Yountville, to protest the Governor’s veto of their bill which would have made it easier to vote to organize. Kind of ironic, isn’t it? Our members worked their butts off for the past four months urging their Sisters and Brothers to turn in the vote by mail ballots sent to their homes, which made it easier to vote to keep the Governor in office, much to chagrin of big business and the far right, only to have him veto legislation that would allow working families the same right.
So join me and our Labor Siblings at the French Laundry this Saturday at high noon to show Gavin that we are behind the essential workers who came to his rescue during the pandemic!
Here is a message from UHW and more information on the bill:
To our Sisters and Brothers,
UFW President Teresa Romero is on the march and asked that I share this with you. Farm workers are marching to the French Laundry to protest Governor Newsom’s veto of our bill that would have made it easier to vote in union elections. He didn’t meet with us, or you when we requested meetings in June and July. Maybe he will be at the French Laundry Restaurant. We welcome your members and leaders to join us at the French Laundry Restaurant, 6640 Washington St. Yountville Ca. in the Napa Valley at 12 noon Saturday. We will then march the 5 1/2 miles to Newsom’s Plump Jack Winery.

UFW, standing together!


Our Director, Jon Riley, standing with United Farm Workers!

Thanks to the French Laundry for sharing some of their famous cookies with the UFW’s activists!


California Rent Relief Application Assistance

Siblings, if you have family members, friends or members that need help identifying and applying for benefits due to them, this may be of assistance.

California Rent Relief Application Assistance – updated 8-19-21

Pro Act Frequently Asked Questions

Common Sense Conversations on the #PROAct

Mare Island Dock of Bay Festival

If you live in San Francisco or Marin take the private chartered ferry boat to and from the Mare Island Dock of Bay Festival. On the boat you will be treated to live music, tasty brews, gorgeous views, and Tony’s Famous Pizza. Arrive at the Festival and enjoy 15 bands, 3 stages, exotic arts and crafts in the Vendor Village, international cuisine, Mare Island Brewing Co beers, fine wines, waterfront seating area’s, hydraulic mainstage with huge video wall and sunset lightshow. Headliners include 3x Grammy Winner Fantastic Negrito (Oakland), Jackie Greene (Sacramento), Dumpstaphunk (New Orleans), Them Vibes (Nashville), and New Monsoon (Marin).  For more information, please visit –

When: Saturday, September 18th, 2021

Time: 1PM to 9PM (Doors open at 12PM)

The 12th Annual Labor Day Breakfast hosted by the Ironworkers #378 on September 6th at 10 am.

We decided to hold this year’s event even though we just had the Salute after hearing all of you say how much Labor needs to celebrate the work we did this year!

Click here to download a printable copy of our flyer