GA Senate – get out the vote!

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Napa Solano CLC Newsletter #16

NSCLC newsletter – issue 16

RTSC Veterans Day Giveaway (sponsored by Wells Fargo)

Due to the generous sponsorship of Wells Fargo, Rebuilding Together Solano County (RTSC) will be distributing 30 pounds of non-perishable food as well as a Safe At Home Kit for veterans and their families. Since 2013 Wells Fargo has provided more than $225,000 in support to RTSC as well as leadership on the RTSC Board of Directors to continue our critical mission of allowing low-income veteran and senior homeowners the ability to remain in their own home – safely and with dignity.

Each of the Safe At Home Kits will include an Earthquake Tool (to turn off gas/water, prybar and break glass), Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Alarm, CO Alarm, Flashlight, Nightlight, Gloves, Hand Soap, Face Masks and other safety items.

Please plan to join us:

Date: November 11, 2020 (Veterans Day)

Time: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Location: Vallejo Community Presbyterian Church
2800 Georgia Street, Vallejo
Drive Thru in Rear of Building

All veteran / military households receiving our giveaway on Veterans Day are required to provide the following:
Driver’s License – showing Solano County address
Military ID / VA Card or DD-214 Discharge Documentation
RTSC is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to allowing low-income veterans, seniors and disabled residents the ability to remain in their home – safely and with dignity.

For further details go to our website,

Food Pantry for low-income Seniors / Veterans / Disabled

Great News. Rebuilding Together Solano County is still active in 2020 with our food pantry to more than 1,000 households in Solano County each month. These program services are offered to low-income veteran, senior, disabled and other low-income residents of Solano County.

RTSC Food Pantry has been operational since April 2018 in partnership with Vallejo Costco and the Solano Contra Costa Food Bank (as part of Feeding America). This allows RTSC to fulfill our mission of bringing volunteers and communities together to improve the homes and lives of low-income homeowners. Since COVID-19 the number of low-income veterans / seniors / disabled residents suffering from food insecurity multiplied seven-fold to more than 1,000 households a month. As such, RTSC has expanded our Food Pantry beyond our weekly program in Vallejo to include mobile monthly distributions to: 7 low-income mobile home parks throughout Solano County, Solano County Veterans and a partnership with Vallejo Steffan Manor Elementary School and the neighborhood. Due to the pandemic, the amount of food distributed by RTSC and its volunteers has expanded from an average of 750 to 10,000 pounds a week.

For further details, refer to our website – www.RebuildingTogetherSolanoCounty.or

Napa Solano CLC Newsletter #15

NSCLC newsletter – issue 15

Update on Hakeem Brown endorsement

Siblings, the Napa Solano Central Labor Council regrets to inform our members and the Community that we have voted to pull our endorsement of Hakeem Brown for Mayor of Vallejo. The Delegate body, made up of representatives of our 48 affiliated Unions who work on behalf of over 40,000 members, felt that Councilmember Brown’s lack of transparency surrounding his criminal past was a violation of the trust that we had placed in him when we voted to endorse.

This decision was made exceedingly difficult considering the support Councilmember Brown has given working families in the 5 years we have known him and the close relationship he has built with our membership. We believe in providing opportunities and support for those who have paid their debts and are seeking to rebuild their lives. Mr. Brown’s past and this vote does not negate the hard work he has put into the community or himself.

We appreciate the patience shown by our members and the community as we adhered to our process, ensuring that all of the Central Labor Councils affiliated unions and its members had ample opportunity to hear from Councilmember Brown personally before we voted to take a position.

Like any decision we make to endorse candidates, this action relates only to the collective delegate body of the Napa Solano Central Council, with each affiliated Union free to act independently from any actions the Council takes surrounding our endorsements. And of course, like every American, our members will have the opportunity to have their voices heard at the ballot box.

Statement about the Hakeem Brown endorsement

Siblings, the Delegate body of the Napa Solano Central Labor Council met last evening to consider the endorsement for Hakeem Brown for Mayor of Vallejo. Councilmember Brown appeared in front of our delegates and answered tough questions posed by the group. Unfortunately, several of our affiliated Unions are in the process of voting by their members which necessitated a delay in the vote on our official position until Saturday October 24th at Noon.

Our Delegates felt that the seriousness of the allegations and the impacts our endorsement has on the election needed to be as inclusive as possible with every affiliate given a chance to weigh the facts of the allegations and have a voice. We hope that our members and Community Allies respect our process, which is the foundation of our Delegate body.

Napa Solano CLC Newsletter #14

NSCLC newsletter – issue 14

Message to members Vallejo Mayoral endorsement

As you are no doubt aware, two articles were recently published by Open Vallejo and the SF Chronicle surrounding Mayoral candidate Hakeem Brown’s criminal history. While we were all aware of Hakeem’s prior conviction in 2002 and the time served for his offence, the articles allege a pattern of continued domestic violence, which if true, would serve as an egregious violation of the trust our members have placed in Councilmember Brown and swift action will be called for.

But we also pride ourselves, as leaders responsible for representing working Men and Women, for giving everyone a second chance. This is why we supported Hakeem in the first place. We also know that the allegations reported, whether in a community newspaper or online forum, tell only part of any story. We should also pride ourselves on giving everyone a chance to tell their side of the story before taking a position.

With that in mind, we called for a Zoom call last Thursday with the CLC Executive Board and key endorsers of his campaign, to allow Councilmember Brown the opportunity to answer to these very troubling allegations. We had a frank discussion, advising him that the lack of transparency surrounding the domestic violence incident in his conviction, coupled with the new allegations reported were very troubling and that the trust we put in him has been shaken.

Councilmember Brown was adamant that the incidents reported surrounding the 2012 incident were not true and that the charges were dismissed without merit. Hakeem affirms that his former wife was not pregnant during the time the allegations took place and stated he could not apologize for actions he did not commit. When asked what we should tell our Sister Siblings to alleviate their concerns, about what appears to be a pattern of abuse, he stated that he hoped everyone would look at the article, and separate fact from fiction in regards to his record. We asked that he provide us with a detailed, chronological explanation of the allegations made against him and show our members why their trust in him has not been violated. He has agreed to attend our official Delegates Meeting this Wednesday to talk directly to our members, after which we will decide what direction to take.

The mission of our Labor Council is to fight daily for the health and welfare of all working people, to ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect, protect them from unscrupulous employers and push for legislation that protects the most vulnerable of our communities . We work with elected officials to pass legislation protecting the rights of all, no matter their race, creed, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

This includes making sure that every woman can be protected from sexual and physical abuse. These are our Mothers, Wives, Sisters and Siblings and any form of violence against anyone is reprehensible. We must, and will, demand that the perpetrators of these acts are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We find ourselves torn between adhering to our values regarding crimes against women and that of our belief that everyone deserves a second chance. We already showed our willingness to forgive by endorsing Hakeem, knowing he had a criminal record. It is now incumbent on Councilmember Brown to show our members that there is no pattern of domestic violence as alleged, and why we should have continued trust in him.

This has been an especially challenging election season, from local to national races. I know we are all feeling the weight of divisive language, attacks, and bully tactics up and down the ballot. But I implore you all to dig deep and stay focused. We cannot on the one hand fight for equal treatment for all, and on the other be quick to cast someone off without gathering facts and allowing them the chance to defend themselves. This is what we stand for, a fair and just process.

We need elected officials that have 2020 vision, that stand up for everyone, not just the loudest. We found that in Hakeem, and his actions and voting record in the time we have known him speak to that. But whether we can continue to support him will be decided by the Delegates who represent our 52 affiliated Unions, using the process we have outlined in our Constitution and By-Laws.

Napa Solano CLC Newsletter – Issue #13

NSCLC newsletter – issue 13